¿Buscás un hosting optimizado para Matomo? Matomo 5.2.2 incluido en nuestros planes de hosting sin costo adicional.
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versión: 5.2.2
Matomo is an open source real-time web analytics application. Initially released in 2007, and renamed from Piwik in 2018, Matomo today is used by more than 460,000 websites. Matomo aims to be an open source alternative to Google Analytics.
In a digital world, Matomo gives you insights on your website's visitors, your marketing campaigns and much more, so you can optimize your strategy and online experience of your visitors.
Matomo has all the standard reports you would expect from a state of the art analytics package:
Scheduled email reports (PDF and HTML reports)
Campaign tracking
Optional tracking of 404 pages
Built in tracking of Downloads and Out links
Custom Variables Reporting
Goal conversion tracking
Analytics for Ecommerce
Matomo is an open source real-time web analytics application. Initially released in 2007, and renamed from Piwik in 2018, Matomo today is used by more than 460,000 websites. Matomo aims to be an open source alternative to Google Analytics.